Tiger tattoo is the perfect combination of power, wisdom and independence. Merely watching someone with a tiger tattoo nearby, similar to watching the real tiger, gives one the fear of death itself.
When tigers roar, the sound can be heard nearly two miles away. It is the largest cat species in the world that can weight up to 365kg. No two tigers have the same stripe pattern on their coats.
Do you still believe you deserve that tattoo? If yes, here is the compilation of the best tiger tattoo ideas and designs for men and women.
1. Tattoo for Girls
2. Tattoos For Men
3. New School Tiger Tattoo
4. Traditional Old School Tiger Tattoo
5. Realistic Tiger Designs
6. White Tiger Designs
7. Tiger and Flowers Tattoo
8. Tiger Tattoo on Arm
Tiger Tattoo for Girl
It’s not just females who like tiger, but cat species appeal to women because they are intelligent, intuitive, quiet, strong but soft, many times gentle and comforting, fun to watch, independent and beautiful to look at.

Tiger Tattoo Designs For Men
Tigers, like all the big cats are very muscular because they need to be exceptionally powerful to bring down big prey. It is an additional reason why men are choosing the tattoo with tiger.

New School Tattoo with Tiger
Old School Tiger Tattoo Ideas
Realistic Tiger Tattoos
White Tiger tattoo Designs
Tiger Tattoos with Flowers
Best Arm Tattoo Ideas with Tiger

Less than 100 years ago, tigers could be found throughout Asia. Sadly, hunting and habitat loss have put populations at risk, and today their range has been reduced to around 10% of its former size. That’s why it is another good reason to go for a tiger tattoo to support these beautiful and unique animals.