Santa Craft for Kids | Santa Stuck in a Chimney

santa craft - christmas craft ideas - santa stuck in a chimney

Christmas is coming! This Santa Craft for Kids is so much fun to make on the weekend. Make your Christmas perfect even in the tiniest details!

Santa Claus is coming to town! Oh no! Santa is stuck in the chimney and can’t get out! Let’s help him!

Santa Craft can become a decoration at your house, at school or kindergarten, it can be turned into a present or a fun game.

Santa Craft for Kids help us immerse deeper into the enchanting atmosphere of this winter holiday and erase borders between magic and reality. It’s a great opportunity to show or discover your creative potential and experience memorable moments of creating something with your child.

DIY Santa Craft – Santa Stuck in a Chimney

To make a Santa Stuck in a Chimney, you will need:

  1. Christmas Santa Stuck in a Chimney Template which you can download here for FREE
  2. White paper plate ((large)
  3. Pencils or felt-tip pens
  4. Acrylic paint: white, blue, black and brown
  5. Paintbrushes or sponge brushes for painting
  6. Scissors
  7. 2 Craft sticks
  8. Glue stick
  9. Things to decorate according to your wishes (we used paper snowflakes)
  10. Paper scalpel

Step 1: Print out and Color the Free Template – Santa Stuck in a Chimney

Print out and Color the Free Template for the Santa Stuck in a Chimney.

santa free template - santa craft - christmas templates for kids

santa craft - santa stuck in a chimney - christmas craft ideas

Step 2: Cut out all the Parts

After everything has been coloured, cut out all the parts.

santa craft - free template for kids - christmas craft ideas

Step 3: Take a Paper Plate

Draw a roof on a paper plate.

santa craft - paper plate craft ideas - christmas craft ideas

santa craft - paper plate craft ideas - christmas craft ideas

Step 4: Draw a Sky

Draw a sky and color the roof.

santa craft - paper plate craft ideas - christmas craft ideas

Step 5: Draw Roof Tiles

santa craft - paper plate craft ideas - christmas craft ideas

Step 6: Decorate Your Paper Plate

Add snow to the sky.

santa craft for kids - paper plate craft ideas - christmas craft ideas

Step 7: Make a Cut along the Line

Make a small cut in the roof.

santa craft for kids - paper plate craft ideas - christmas craft ideas

Step 8: Glue the Roof

Glue the Roof to the Tube.

santa craft for kids - paper plate craft ideas - christmas craft ideas

Step 9: Glue Santa

Glue Santa to the sticks.

santa craft for kids - paper plate craft ideas - christmas craft ideas

santa craft for kids - paper plate craft ideas - christmas craft ideas for kids

santa craft for kids - paper plate craft ideas - christmas craft ideas for kids

Watch video on how to make a Santa Stuck in a Chimney

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